неділя, 19 вересня 2010 р.

Перевір себе

До уваги студентів та всіх бажаючих!
Доберіть до англійських прислів'їв український (російський) еквівалент.
1. As you brew, so must you drink.
2. Business before pleasure. 
3. You can't eat your cake and have it.
4. A cat has nine lives.
5. Charity begins at home.
6. Curiosity killed the cat.
7. Deeds, not words.
8. Barking dogs seldom bite.
9. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
10. An Englishman's home is his castle.
11. Love me, love my dog.
12. Four eyes see more than two.
13. Like father, like son.
14. One hand washes the other.
15. All is not gold that glitters.
16. First catch your hare, then cook him.
17. The more haste, the less speed.
18. Make hay while the sun shines.
19. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
20. Look before you leap.
21. Don't strike a man when he is down.
22. Between two stools one falls to the ground.
23. Every man to his taste.
24. Still waters run deep.
25. Every day is not Sunday.

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