понеділок, 20 вересня 2010 р.

Весела граматика

Тhe Indefinite Article «a/an»

    Неозначений артикль a/an вживається з обчислювальними іменниками в однині.
     1. З предметом або особою про який йдеться вперше:
It is a cat.
It is a hat.
It is a car.
It is a star.
He is a boy.
He's got a toy.
She is a girl.
She's got a doll.

She is a teacher.
She is a writer.
He is a doctor.
He is a fighter.

2. Перед описовими означеннями:
Pat has a cat.Pat has a fat cat.
Pat has a fat cat in her flat.
Sam has a hat.
Sam has a black hat.
Sam has a black hat in his hand.

* * *

I'm a mouse.
I'm a pretty mouse.
I'm a pretty witty mouse.
I live in a pretty little house.

* * *

Hush, hush, everybody,
Let my baby sleep.
He is such a lovely baby
When he is asleep.

3. В окличних реченнях:
It's sunny today.What a lovely day!
It's warm today.
We can walk and play.

It's frosty today.
What a nasty day!
It's windy today.
We can't walk and play.

4. З конструкцією "There is":
There is a mouse in the house.
There is a cat in the flat.
There is a fox in the box.
There is a bee in the tree.
5. Коли ми говоримо про разову дію:
Have a cap of tea.
Have a piece of bread,
Have a warm shower
And go to bed.

The Definite Article «the»

Означений артикль the вживається з будь-якими іменниками.
1. Зі знайомим предметом або особою, про які ми говоримо не в перший раз:
I know a doctor.- The doctor is nice.
I know a teacher.- The teacher is wise.
I know a girl.- The girl is pretty.
I know a boy.- The boy is witty.

* * *

I see a cat.- The cat is fat.
I see a pig.- The pig is big.
I see a ball.- The ball is small.
I see a star.- The star is far.

My picture

This is a bag. The bag is black.
This is a kite. The kite is white.
This is an orange. The orange is orange.
This is a bed. The bed is red.

2. З іменником, єдиним у своєму роді:
The sun is hot.
The sky is blue.
The moon is cold.
And I see you.

* * *

Lovely things to hear
Lovely things to see-
They all belong to you.
They all belong to me:
The sun, the moon,
The wind, the sky.

Enjoy the world
And have much fun!

* * *

Butterfly, butterfly,
Fly to the sky!
Balloon, balloon,
Fly to the moon!

3. З назвами частин світу:
Make a feast and go to the East
Eat your broth and go to the North.
Hve a rest and go to the West.
Open your mouth and go to the South.

4. З найвищім ступенем порівняння прикметників:
This is the smartest cat.
This is the funniest hat.
This is the quickest dog.
This is the smallest frog.

* * *

Go to the East
Or go to the West
Your home
Is always the best!

5. З порядковими числівниками:
There are four dogs in the yard:
The first dog is tall,
The second dog is small,
The third dog is sad,
The fourth dog is glad.

6. У словосполученнях з прийменником "of":
The tail of the cat is long.
The paw of the lion is srong.
The roof of the house is tall.
The nose of the mouse is small.

* * *

I'm a thin brave mouse. I'm the master of my house.
I'm a fat proud cat. I'm the master of my flat.
I'm a pretty witty bee. I'm the master of my tree.
I'm a small clever frog.
I'm the master of my pond.

7. З іменниками, які конкретизуються підрядним реченням:
This is the rat that slept in the hat.
This is the cat that caught the rat.
This is the frog that jumpd on the log.
This is the dog that found my sock.

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